About Us
Teduka offers innovative educational and academic services ranging from consultancy to academic programmes and informal professional training in different sectors. The services we offer have a strong relationship to international occupational standards and allow our clients to advance in their careers through the acquisition of new knowledge and critical thinking. In addition, Teduka offers an infinite opportunity of networking with international companies.

Our Mission
Redefining accessibility of higher education, professional training, and academic services through innovative and effective methods of knowledge sharing and excellent service provision.

Our Vision
Teduka International Academy aims at mobilizing the academic and professional community to provide quality employment opportunities to current and future generations across the globe through formal education and professional training. This endeavor will require the systematic involvement of various experts in a multitude of fields who shall contribute towards:
Teduka team is committed to assist and guide prospective students throughout the important process of identifying the right study programme that best suits their professional and personal ambitions.
consultancy services
Curriculum Development Services
We are experts in curriculum development and have successfully assisted higher education institutions and universities to accredit and implement programmes ranging from engineering to medicine and even professional doctorates and PhD
Quality Assurance consultancy
Teduka experts provide ongoing monitoring, guidance as well as innovative and effective strategies for institutional enhancement making all educational operations fit for purpose.
Delivery of study programmes
Teduka is a dynamic institution and constantly strives to offer specific academic programmes as well as non-accredited study programmes/short courses based on the current needs of the global industry and research community
Academic support services
We offer tailor made support services to individual students who require additional supervision for a formal assessment, such as a dissertation or thesis, research pap ers, or delivery of a presentation.